Automobile Engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with designing, manufacturing and maintenance of automobiles. The course in Automobile Engineering incorporates a range of sub-disciplines, starting from designing the vehicles to manufacturing components, assembling and testing them for safety.
Ranked among the best Automobile Engineering college in Punjab, UIE believes in building robust foundation in various domains of the field so that students could be effectively nurtured in all the multidisciplinary majors of the subject. Our curriculum provides outstanding engineering temperament & real-time experience, catering the escalating needs of the emerging automobile industry. Pursue engineering course from University Institute of Engineering, best automobile engineering college in Punjab.
According to US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of automobile engineers is projected to grow 5 percent from 2014 to 2024.
Automobile or Automotive Engineering has gained recognition and importance ever since motor vehicles capable for transporting passengers has been in vogue. Now due to the rapid growth of auto component manufacturers and automobile industries, there is a great demand for Automobile Engineers. Automobile Engineering alias Automotive Engineering or Vehicle Engineering is one of the most challenging careers in the field of engineering with a wide scope.
This field offers wide range of opportunities for the aspirants and it includes automobile manufacturing industries, production plants, service stations, state road transport corporations, private transport companies, insurance companies, motor vehicle departments etc.